Call for Submissions

We cordially invite submissions for the AI4X 2025 conference, concerning all applications of artificial intelligence to natural science and finance. We welcome applications for both poster and oral presentations. For any questions not answered on this page, please contact the program committee at [email protected].

Key dates
Submissions open: 26.12.2024
Submissions deadline: 28.02.2025 23:59 UTC
Decision notification: March 2025

Subject Areas 
We welcome works containing applications of artificial intelligence to natural science and finance, including, but not limited to:

  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Materials Science
  • Pure Mathematics
  • Biology
  • Unconventional Computing (quantum, probabilistic, neuromorphic...)
  • Self–driving Labs
  • Finance

In addition to new AI methods and domain results obtained with AI we welcome works that present datasets, benchmarks, and software.

Submission Instructions 
Please use OpenReview. There are two options:

1. If you want to present a paper recently (on or after September 8th 2024) published in a peer–reviewed venue, you can just submit the camera–ready version of the pdf. Please do not submit preprints, workshop papers, etc.

2. For unpublished research, please use the provided template (LaTeX, OverleafWord) and follow the formatting instructions within. In particular do not exceed the 2–page limit. Failure to do so may result in desk rejection.

Note that submission requires an OpenReview account; profiles created without an institutional email will go through a moderation process that can take up to two weeks.

Reviews will be single–blind, i.e. the author’s identities will be known to the reviewers, but the reviewers’ identities will be hidden. Reviews will not be published.
Accepted abstracts will be published on OpenReview, rejected abstracts will not. Journal paper texts won’t be published due to copyright concerns but will be referenced by DOI.
Submissions are considered to be non-archival and can be subsequently or concurrently submitted to other venues.

Dual Submission Policy 
We welcome works that are unpublished, under consideration in any venue, or have been published in a peer-reviewed archival venue on or after September 8th 2024. Preprints, NeurIPS/ICML/ICLR workshops and similar venues are considered non-archival.

The Use of Large Language Models (LLMs) for writing 
The use of LLMs is allowed as a general-purpose writing assistance tool.  Authors and reviewers take full responsibility for the contents written under their name, including content generated by LLMs that could be construed as plagiarism or scientific misconduct (e.g., fabrication of facts).  LLMs are not eligible for authorship.